  • +44116 2738614
  • Mohsin Health, 446 East Park Road, Leicester, LE5 5HH, United Kingdom

Shilajit Mineral Tablets | Vitality | Herbal Remedy


60 Tablets

A traditional preparation rich in natural minerals. May help replenish minerals, increase vitality, promote relaxation and sleep.



A traditional tablet preparation is rich in natural minerals.  

Shilajit is a high-altitude raw resin sourced from Hunza and is purified traditionally without using any artificial heat or chemicals.

May help by replenishing lost minerals and increasing overall vitality.  May help promote relaxation and sleep.

“Shilajit” is translated as “that which triumphed over rocks”. It is a unique natural rejuvenator (rasayya) used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and Tibb medicine. Also known as “mumyai” or mineral pitch.

Energetically it is hot and dry.

It has over 85 constituents, the most notable include Benzoic acid, Fulvic acid, Silica, Iron, Antimony, Calcium, Copper, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorous, Sodium, Strontium and Zinc.

– Adaptogenic (rasaayya)
– Bioavailabilty enhancer (yogavahi)
– Used in dealing with diabetes (madhu menha)
– A rich antioxidant
– Immuno-modulator
– Enhancer of memory and learning


  1. Shilajit (Asphaltum)
  2. Withania somnifera
  3. Crocus sativus


  1. Take 1 tablet twice a day
  2. Take after main meals with a small amount of warm milk or warm water

“You can trace every disease to mineral deficiency”
Dr. Linus Pauling, Winner of Two Nobel Prizes (1901-1994)

Additional information

Weight 0.07 kg
Dimensions 8 × 5.5 × 5.5 cm


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