• +44116 2738614
  • Mohsin Health, 446 East Park Road, Leicester, LE5 5HH, United Kingdom

We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information.

Here’s how we handle your data:

  1. No Automatic Data Logging: We do not automatically log personal data or link automatically logged information with personal data about specific individuals. You can access and browse our website without disclosing any personal information.
  2. Data Collection: We only collect personal data that you voluntarily provide while using our website. This data is solely used to supply our services and provide you with relevant information. We do not share this data with any other parties.
  3. No External Data Sources: We do not collect information about our visitors from external sources such as public records, bodies, or private organizations. Your personal data is not disclosed to our subsidiaries or other organizations.
  4. Compliance with Legal Obligations: We ensure that your personal data is not disclosed to state institutions or authorities unless required by law or other regulations.
  5. Data Access and Correction: You have the right to challenge the data we hold about you. If necessary, you can request to have your data erased, completed, rectified, or amended.

If you have any questions about your privacy, please contact us at: [email protected].

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